Creating Better In-person Event Experience
Designed to cater all event formats, including Local, National and International Sports, Conferences, Expos, Fairs and More.
Real-time Event Operation Monitoring and Compliance Management System
Designed to cater all event formats, including Local, National and International Sports, Conferences, Expos, Fairs and More.
State of art communication protocol to easily navigate in the unpredictable behavior of Events
Helps to ensure staff’s deputation on desired location throughout the event along with their duty hours and break time
To use the most advance people ops management system in your upcoming event?
Count attendees volume at different event venues, like passenger for shuttle bus service, attendee’s at venue’s entry and exit
To observe people’s flow through out your upcoming event?
Give real-time view of your shuttle bus transportation facilities to Event Attendees
To ensure stress free commutation for event attendees in your upcoming event?
SOS – Emergency Communication, designed to mobilize resources for quickest response in case of all types of emergency
To ensure the best response to SOS in your upcoming event?
Allows every event operation stakeholders to report issues with necessary details, for adequate response
To give more cheerful event experience for your upcoming event?