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GPS Tracking Solution for Innovation

Perfect blend of Hardware, Software and Mobile App to meet your unique business requirement.

IOT Platform to level up your business offering

We offer cost-effective niche GPS tracking solutions – hardware,
software, phone apps with deep integration to other systems when required


Track and Manage from 1 to 1 million assets with speed and efficiency


User Experience focused system localized in multiple language for quick adoption


Hosted on Azure, with RLS and Compliant with Data Privacy Policies like GDPR & CCPA


Dashboard to visualize your operations data. Reporting tool to for all your data requirement.

White Label

Power your business by white-labeling our system to serve your customers with your Brand Name.


Event Management Solution

Realtime Event Operation Monitoring and Compliance Management System.

Always-On Solution

Tracking solution equipped with Solar Powered devices that works without external power and stay “Always-On”

Automobile Solution

Track, Monitor and Manage your Automotive. Improve business efficiency with actional insights on day to day operations.

Custom Development

Integrate our system with your existing system or add functionality to make the system more personal to your business needs.

Accelerate your business with us

Software System

  • Track, Manage and Monitor your all types of assets
  • Easy integration of your business processes
  • Dashboard and Reports for better actionable insights

Hardware Devices

  • Large range of IOT devices to address your mission critical challenges
  • Devices with compatibility of Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth network
  • Range of devices which operates on Battery Power, Solar Power and External Power Supply

Mobile App

  • User Experience centric design, to save your training time
  • Track and Communicate with your on field staff for Events
  • Perform important functionality on the go

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